Friday, August 25, 2006

all the details on interest poll


If you have no intention of coming to the 9:00 adult education offerings on Sunday morning, please do not fill out the interest poll. Please rank the following adult education classes in the order of greatest interest to you. A rank of 1 is of greatest interest and a rank of 3 is of lowest interest. If you have a topic that you would like to suggest for an adult class, please write it in at the end of the poll in the space provided.

Elective 1

“Preparing for and enjoying Marriage”
Dan B. Allender and Tremper Longman III have together written this inductive Bible study guide to help couples build healthy and happy marriages. They will lead us through an overview of God’s ideal for marriage, following the "leave, weave, cleave" imagery of the Bible: leave your parents of origin, weave a life together, and cleave to each other.
These studies will help you take small but real steps toward honoring the image of God in each other and living out God's goal for marriage. As couples explore and respond to Scripture together, they will discover strength and beauty in their marriage and become even more intimate companions. Having said that, individuals as well as couples will benefit from this class.
Elective 2
“Not the Way It’s Supposed to Be – A Breviary on Sin” by Cornelius Plantinga
Life can stink. Life is broken. It is not suppose to be that way and it won’t always be. Sin entered the world and the ramifications are everywhere. Sin is only a parasite, a vandal, a spoiler. Jesus entered the world and the reversal of evil and the renewing of all things is underway. This class will unpack these ideas. In his book, Plantinga sets a traditional theological table setting, but the food comes not only from the Bible and St. Augustine but also from today’s books, from Newsweek, the movies, and television. This class will sharpen our eyes for the beauty of grace… which “makes beauty out of ugly things.”
Elective 3
“The Bible Explained”
This class examines the Bible as a series of stories occurring throughout centuries of time in which God lovingly woos and disciplines those made in His image. It is a history through which God is progressively revealing Himself, culminating in Jesus. This class will teach those investigating Christianity and new Christians a simple overview of the Bible but also is quite excellent for older Christians for whom the Bible remains a mystery.
There will be an Adult Christian Education Class with teaching on PRAYER (and a Lab, i.e. there will be lots of praying) and an “Introduction to Christ Community Church” class starting September 17th.

Electives Please Rank 1 to 3 (I is your first choice)
1. God’s Ideal Model for Marriage ________
2. Not the Way It’s Supposed to Be ________
3. The Bible Explained ________

List other topics you would like to have offered in an adult Christian education class:




Please drop the completed survey in the offering plate or in a box in the foyer when you leave today. Thank you!

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