Friday, August 25, 2006

all the details on interest poll


If you have no intention of coming to the 9:00 adult education offerings on Sunday morning, please do not fill out the interest poll. Please rank the following adult education classes in the order of greatest interest to you. A rank of 1 is of greatest interest and a rank of 3 is of lowest interest. If you have a topic that you would like to suggest for an adult class, please write it in at the end of the poll in the space provided.

Elective 1

“Preparing for and enjoying Marriage”
Dan B. Allender and Tremper Longman III have together written this inductive Bible study guide to help couples build healthy and happy marriages. They will lead us through an overview of God’s ideal for marriage, following the "leave, weave, cleave" imagery of the Bible: leave your parents of origin, weave a life together, and cleave to each other.
These studies will help you take small but real steps toward honoring the image of God in each other and living out God's goal for marriage. As couples explore and respond to Scripture together, they will discover strength and beauty in their marriage and become even more intimate companions. Having said that, individuals as well as couples will benefit from this class.
Elective 2
“Not the Way It’s Supposed to Be – A Breviary on Sin” by Cornelius Plantinga
Life can stink. Life is broken. It is not suppose to be that way and it won’t always be. Sin entered the world and the ramifications are everywhere. Sin is only a parasite, a vandal, a spoiler. Jesus entered the world and the reversal of evil and the renewing of all things is underway. This class will unpack these ideas. In his book, Plantinga sets a traditional theological table setting, but the food comes not only from the Bible and St. Augustine but also from today’s books, from Newsweek, the movies, and television. This class will sharpen our eyes for the beauty of grace… which “makes beauty out of ugly things.”
Elective 3
“The Bible Explained”
This class examines the Bible as a series of stories occurring throughout centuries of time in which God lovingly woos and disciplines those made in His image. It is a history through which God is progressively revealing Himself, culminating in Jesus. This class will teach those investigating Christianity and new Christians a simple overview of the Bible but also is quite excellent for older Christians for whom the Bible remains a mystery.
There will be an Adult Christian Education Class with teaching on PRAYER (and a Lab, i.e. there will be lots of praying) and an “Introduction to Christ Community Church” class starting September 17th.

Electives Please Rank 1 to 3 (I is your first choice)
1. God’s Ideal Model for Marriage ________
2. Not the Way It’s Supposed to Be ________
3. The Bible Explained ________

List other topics you would like to have offered in an adult Christian education class:




Please drop the completed survey in the offering plate or in a box in the foyer when you leave today. Thank you!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

MANLANDThursday Augu

MANLAND          Thursday August 31

Manland, what is it?
A laid-back evening for men (16 and older) to come and hang together in fellowship.*  What should you—and your guests—expect?

  • Checkers

  • Chess

  • Swimming

  • Wall Ball

  • Tennis

  • Foosball

  • Table Tennis (aka Ping Pong)
A tournament will be offered.  Right now even money is on Sensei Adam Means.
  • Mississippi State vs. Spurrier & South Carolina will be on the plasma for any extremely bored guys

Dude, what about food?
There will be chips and sodas provided.  Feel free to bring any other refreshments you desire.

So, get off work, cook the supper that night, enjoy a meal with the fam… and head over to the Schackow Ranch, which is off Newberry Road, East of 91st Ave
Address:  NW 8716 NW 6th place 32607
NW 89th street
1st left 6th place, last on left

Map here

Friday, August 18, 2006

An Envisioning Testimony

God created all things, and they were good; all things have fallen from that original goodness; Jesus has begun the work of redemption for all things through his death and resurrection; and all things are waiting to be restored by Jesus. And finally, my role, my part of the story, is aiding the Spirit’s work of restoration by seeking to make all things as they should have been. My desire is to be an agent of shalom.

Everyday I am faced with two Truths. The first is that the more I follow Jesus, the more I try and love students and other young adults, and the second is, the more I try to push back the Fall in this world, I see only more of my own sin and brokenness. I see each day that I am far worse than I ever imagined.

However, through God’s grace, as I see my sin and brokenness more each day I am understanding a new Truth, again and again. Why would Jesus choose me? How could he use me to act on His behalf in this world when my own heart is so broken? And I begin see again, through the cross, the depth of God’s love for me. And I begin to see again, through the resurrection, the power of the Gospel that is at work in my life to push out the darkness in all areas of my life, and bring in the light of Jesus. That’s when I begin to understand that as deeply as I am broken, is how deeply I am loved. And I remember the second Truth.

I am far more loved than I ever dreamed.

Q and A

August 18 is about big picture... therefore some questions below will be addressed and others won't. We've put them in print to seek to over-inform people.

Where are we on the building process?

Early stage

Who is on the building committee?
In the Spring of 2006 the Elders appointed Kevin Phegley as Chairman of the Building Committee. The rest of the committee is John Morrison, Sharon Stankunas, Mark O'Neal, Brian Schackow, Rob Pendley

Does the county have our projected plans?

Alachua County received our preliminary plans in May. They were prepared by Jay Brown of Brown & Cullen. As of Thursday, August 17, Brown & Cullen had not received word from the county.

Why have we not pursued rezoning?
We were advised by our counsel to pursue the rezoning as part of the submission to the county for pre-liminary approval, which we did.

Why do we not have a sign up on our property that says...Future Home of
Christ Community?

We were advised by our counsel to put a FUTURE HOME sign up AFTER we receive pre-liminary approval, which we are doing. We look forward to doing that soon.

What do we still owe on the loan we took out to buy the
house and additional land?

Christ Community owes M&S Bank $249,000 on the southern portion of our property.

What are the projected dates for breaking

That date is dependant on Christ Community reaching several trigger goals, including:
~ a productive capital campaign
~ the infrastructuring of the congregation for long-term health
~ etc.

Why haven't those people who made a pledge in 2003, and have paid
off their pledge, never received any confirmation...or letter of
appreciation...or notice that they have fulfilled their pledge?
#1. Because the leadership of Christ Community needs to grow in their expressions of gratitude to God and to His people
#2. Because the leadership didn't obtain the services of an experienced consultant during that campaign. Therefore, the structure set up for follow through never was well instructed, supervised, or encouraged.

Where are we on developing new elders?
Since the arrival of our Assistant Pastor, Frank Matthews, this has been topic numero uno at each meeting of the elders. Rob Pendley presented a plan to the elders at the August meeting. It is being revised and the hope is to announce in September our plans to the congregation.

Are outside individuals still
attending the session meetings?
The elders have people from the congregation at almost every meeting. The exception is when the discussion is over shepherding issues.

What is the projected date for seeking
particularization of Christ Community?
This date is dependant on:
~ the success of the formal and informal leadership training this Fall
~ the calling of God men's lives
~ God's timing

Where are we on the health of the church financially speaking?
Rod Whited, a 20 year pastor of Pinewood Presbyterian Church, says:

I have helped at least 2 dozen congregations get started. I've been in touch with close to 100 churches through the years. Christ Community is one of the healthiest financial congregations I have ever seen. I believe this is due to:
~ The mercy of God
~ The generosity of the people
~ The shared vision that God is doing something wonderful in Gainesville

Where are we
on meeting the 2006 budget? Are we on track for meeting our financial
obligations for the new associate pastor?

Will new Community Groups be forming for the
Perhaps one. But watch for many more to be launched in January in conjunction with the capital campaign.

Do we have a church website?

Will a new church directory be distributed?
The directory is available on the website and is updated monthly. Please call the office at 379-4949 to obtain the necessary username and password to access it.

The 2007 budget will be put together during September and October. We run a Jan 1 to Dec 31 budget year.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Preaching on Worship

Name something that Christ Community has done approximately 52 days a year for 8 years?

If we average 75 minutes per service, that adds up to.... alot of hours.

Yet, we have taken precious little time to engage the scriptures on this valuable and practical topic. This Fall Rob Pendley will be preaching on the issue of Worship. Sermons will cover things like:
~ The Heart of Worship
~ It is not about the music
~ Worship as Gospel Re-presentation
~ Created to Praise
~ The Lord Came Down, How God meets with His people
~ Why worship services must consider outsiders
~ et al

Our goals will be:
~ to be formed by the Scriptures as a worshipping church family

Discipleship Course

This Fall we are offering an experimental yet intentional class/workshop. The "Discipleship Course", led by Rob Pendley, will run for 11 Wednesday nights beginning September 6th. Each meeting will last 2 hours. The Discipleship Course is open to everyone, but the commitment level is high. Specifically with weekly Bible homework and weekly attendance. Because we are seeking to create a learning community, this cannot be offered to people who will "make it when they can". A flyer will be distributed Sunday August 21 with complete information.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Paying for protection

Subsequent generations, however, gradually moved away from the Reformation in these areas. Rationalist religion, reacting against exaggerated and overexplicit portrayals of human wickedness and divine wrath among many Puritans, began to stress the goodness of man and the benevolence of the Deity. By the time of the Second Awakening, many leaders of the revival were adjusting to this critique by presenting an increasingly kindly, fatherly and thoroughly comprehensible God. In the late nineteenth century, D.L. Moody determined to center his message around the truth that 'God is Love' and to tone down the mention of hell and the wrath of God to the point of inaudibility. But this was only one example of the sentimentalizing of God in every sector of the church, among evangelicals and the rising Liberal movement alike.

The whole church was drifting quietly toward Marcionism, avoiding the biblical portrait of the sovereign and holy God who is angry with the wicked every day and whose anger remains upon those who will not receive his Son. Walling off this image into an unvisited corner of its consciousness, the church substituted a new god who was the projection of grandmotherly kindness mixed with the gentleness and winsomeness of a Jesus who hardly needed to die for our sins. Many American congregations were in effect paying their ministers to protect them from the real God. The decay of spirituality resulting from this deception can already be traced in the latter half of the nineteenth century. It is partially responsible not only for the general spiritual collapse of the church in this century but also for a great deal of apologetic weakness; for in a world in which the sovereign and holy God regularly employs plagues, famines, wars, disease and death as instruments to punish sin and bring mankind to repentance, the idolatrous image of God as pure benevolence cannot really be believed, let alone feared and worshipped in the manner prescribed by both the Old and New Testaments.

...It is only in the light of the revelation through the cross of God's overwhelming love for his creation that we can understand his anger against the distortion or destruction of that creation. The cross, in fact, is the perfect statement both of God's wrath against sin and of the depth of his love and mercy in the recovery of the damaged creation and its damagers. God's mercy, patience and love must be fully preached in the church. But they are not credible unless they are presented in tension with God's infinite power, complete and sovereign control of the universe, holiness, and righteousness. And where God's righteousness is clearly presented, compassionate warnings of his holy anger against sin must be given and warnings also of the certainty of divine judgment in endless alienation from God which will be unimaginably worse than the literal descriptions of hell. It is no wonder that the world and the church are not awakened when our leadership is either singing a lullaby concerning these matters or presenting them in a caricature which is so grotesque that it is unbelievable.

(From Richard Lovelace; Dynamics of Spiritual Life, pp. 83-85.).

Friday, August 04, 2006

Worship Preparation

Sunday morning there are NO CLASSES
We begin promptly at 10am with our worship service. Children age 5 through grade 2 will have opportunity for children's church during the 2nd half of the service.

We're asking you to begin preparing now (whenever you read this) for Sunday at 10am when we gather for worship...

Why prepare?

Ways to prepare:
1. Read one or all the hymns/songs we're singing
2. Read one or all the prayers we're praying

How do I read-pray through a song or a prayer? No one way is magical... but I (rob) do it like this:
Take our 1st hymn HOLY HOLY HOLY...
stanza 3
Holy, holy, holy! though the darkness hide Thee,
Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see;
Only Thou art holy; there is none beside Thee,
Perfect in power, in love, and purity.

Perfect in power, in love, and purity... what would i do with power? How have i abused the power I already have? Perfect in love? I really am different from God.
The Holy Trinity is perfect in love. It is amazing to think of a healthy relationship that has lasted 80 years... here we're talking about healthy inner-relating among the Trinity for something like 80 thousand years!