Thursday, March 04, 2010

Psalter Hymnal 464: Father, long before creation |

I love this song:
This anonymous Chinese text was initially used as a theme song by Chinese Christians who kept the faith while the Cultural Revolution was in full swing. The hymn was sung in a Bible-study center in Peking during the winter of 1952-53. In 1953, Bliss Wyant, scholar of Chinese music and culture, gave the text to Francis P. Jones (b. Wisconsin [?] 1890; d. Claremont, CA, 1965 [?]), a missionary to China from 1915 to 1 1950. Jones translated the text into English and published it in the China Bulletin of the National Council of Churches (1953). After it appeared in The Hymnbook in 1955, the text was published in a number of other hymnals.
Psalter Hymnal 464: Father, long before creation |

1 comment:

New1235678 said...

Where can I find a copy of the original Chinese characters for "Father long before creation"