Saturday, March 05, 2005

Bible Discrepancies?

"In Galatians 1 Paul describes in some detail the events which took place immediately after his conversion, and there are at first glance some discrepancies with Luke's account. Again, a number of critics cite Galatians 1 and Acts 9 as containing irresolvable contradictions in the chronology of events, supposedly evidence of errors in Scripture. But, as is the case with most of these supposed contradictions, they are not contradictory at all, but are instead quite easily resolvable and the sequence of events in the two accounts can be very simply reconstructed. When we put the two accounts together, we can conclude that First, according to the first 19 verses of Acts 9, Paul is converted while on his way to Damascus. Second, as Luke recounts in verses 19-22, immediately after regaining his strength, Saul began preaching in the Synagogues of Damascus that Jesus was the Christ. Next, according to Galatians 1:17, Saul went to Arabia for three years and only later returned to Damascus as recounted in Acts 9:23-25. Last, as we will see in Acts 9:26-30, Saul eventually returned to Jerusalem, to introduce himself to the apostles and to further confirm his calling to preach the gospel" ---kim riddlebarger

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